Our Mission

To be a welcoming Community that encounter Jesus in our Sacraments and spiritual activities, and reflecting Jesus’ experience to the periphery of our community through the works of charity and transparent Christian living.

Live Streaming of Mass

Mass is Live Streamed on Our Facebook Page (see link below) on Saturday at 6:00pm and on Major Feast Days (times to be advised). It is then uploaded onto our YouTube Channel within 1 hour of finishing.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament commences half an hour before the Saturday Mass for 25 minutes. 


You can view all our Streamed services on the Parish YouTube Channel using the link below. Services are generally uploaded onto our YouTube Channel  within 1 hour of the service ending.




Mass Timings

Normal Mass Times are now

Saturday:        St. Paul’s, Cramlington – Sunday Vigil Mass at 6:00pm

Sunday:           St. John’s, Annitsford – Mass at 9:30am

Tuesday:         St. John’s, Annitsford – Mass at 10:00am

Wednesday:   St. Paul’s, Cramlington – Mass at 10:00am

Thursday:       St. Paul’s, Cramlington – Mass at 10:00am

Friday:             St. John’s, Annitsford – Exposition at 6:00pm followed by Mass at  7:00pm.

From 12th October 2024 all weekday services will be celebrated in the Winter Chapel (Back Room) until the Spring of 2025. Thursday Masses will continue to be celebrated in Church when the School children are in attendance.
The 6:00pm Saturday Vigil Mass at St. Paul’s and the 9:30am Sunday Morning Mass at St. John’s will continue to be celebrated by Fr. Stanly whilst Fr. Manoj is away.
There will be NO WEEKDAY MASSES at either St. Paul’s or St. John’s this week, 13th – 17th October 2024.
The Deacons may celebrate Word and Communion services during some of the time Fr. Manoj is away. Please keep an eye on the Bulletin, Parish Website, Facebook Pages and St. Paul’s WhatsApp Group for up to date weekly services information.

Mass Intentions

We offer the facility for Mass to be celebrated for your personal Intentions. The weekly Mass Intentions will be published on our Calendar (see below).

If you wish to use this feature please fill in one of the envelopes at the back of Church or click the following “Mass Intention Request Form1 link.  

Confession Times

WEDNESDAY:-  9:15am to 9.45am

THURSDAY:-      9:15am to 9.45am

FRIDAY:-            6:00pm to 6:45pm at St. John’s Church, Annitsford.

SATURDAY:-     5:00pm to 5:45pm

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

6.00 pm – 7.00 pm at St. John’s, Annitsford before Mass.  {Replaced by reciting the Rosary at 6:30 pm during May.}

5.30 pm  –  5.55 pm at St. Paul’s before Mass. {Replaced by reciting the Rosary 5.25 – 5.55 pm during May.}

Sunday  9:00 am – 9:25 am at St. John’s before Mass.  {Replaced by reciting the Rosary 9.00 – 9.25 am during May.}

In Memorium

Sad Demise. We are deeply saddened by the passing of Mrs. Daisy Wilson, beloved mother of Fr. Stanly Wilson. Our hearts go out to Fr. Stanly and his family during this difficult time. May God grant Fr. Stanly and his family the courage to bear this great loss, and may He provide comfort and peace in the days ahead. May the Lord grant her soul eternal repose.







It is with deep sadness I have to announce the passing, on 27th August 2024, of Rosamma Joseph, aged 96, the mother of Fr. Manoj. Please pray for the repose of her soul, for Fr. Manoj and the rest of her family. May she now be in the loving arms of our Saviour Jesus Christ. R.I.P Rosamma. 🙏🙏

Rosamma’s funeral service was live streamed on YouTube at 04:00 hours, UK Time, on Friday 30th August, via the following link: ROSAMMA (97) PUNCHAKUNNEL | FUNERAL CEREMONY (youtube.com)


I am deeply touched by the outpouring of love, prayers, and support that you have shown during the passing of my beloved mother, Rosamma. Your kind words and heartfelt wishes have provided immense comfort to me and my family during this difficult time.

Your prayers have given us strength and solace, and your presence has reminded us of the beautiful impact my mother had on so many lives. We are grateful for your compassion and the shared memories that have brought smiles to our faces amidst the sorrow.

Thank you for standing by us, for your unwavering support, and for honouring the memory of my mother with your thoughts and prayers.

With heartfelt gratitude, Fr. Manoj


Legalising Assisted Suicide Bill.

Hi, news reports suggest that our Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, is “paving the way” for a parliamentary vote before Christmas on legalising assisted suicide. Media outlets are reporting that the Government and assisted suicide lobbyists are putting intense pressure on MPs who were successful in the recent Private Members’ Bill ballot to introduce a Bill that would “rush into law” the legalisation of assisted suicide. If they are successful in persuading an MP to take a bill forward, a vote could be held within weeks! A Private Members’ Bill was the same mechanism used in Parliament to legalise abortion in 1967 and it appears Keir Starmer wishes to use a similar tactic to implement his personal desire for assisted suicide also to become legal. It’s vital that all MPs and the Government urgently see that there is a large number of voters in each constituency who don’t want to see an extreme change to our laws that would see the ending of many lives through assisted suicide. Please take action now and ask your MP to stop assisted suicide being rushed into law. It only takes 30 seconds using our easy-to-use tool: https://righttolife.org.uk/9ly2

Fatima Pilgrimage

A Pilgrimage to Fatima was organised by our Parish along with the World Apostolate of Fatima from Thursday 19th – Thursday 26th September 2024 which included the following Itinerary:

19.9.2024: Coach Trip to Manchester and flight to Lisbon.

20.9.2024: Talk on Our Lady’s Appearances in Fatima and tour of the Sanctuary followed by Holy Mass in the Chapel of Apparitions.  Rosary and Candlelight Procession.

21.9,2024: Holy Mass in the Chapel of the Angel of Peace; visit of the Exhibition of Fatima Light and Peace. Rosary and Candlelight Procession.

22.9.2024: International Rosary and Mass. Rosary, Benediction and Brown Scapular enrolment in Domus Pacis Chapel. Rosary and Candlelight Procession.

23.9.2024: Stations of the Cross, visit to the site of the Apparitions of the Angel, Aljustrel and the houses of the little shepherds, Holy Mass in St. Anthony’s Fatima Parish Church. Rosary and Candlelight Procession.

24.8.2024: Holy Mass in Carmelite Convent at Coimbra and visit to Sister Lucia’s Memorial Museum, Visit to Postulation Centre / Museum of Saints Francisco / Jacinta (House of Candles). Rosary and Candlelight Procession.

25.9,2024: Holy Mass in Domus Pacis Chapel and optional day trip. Holy Hour in Domus Pacis Chapel. Rosary and Candlelight Procession.

26.9.2024: Depart Hotel, Holy Mass in Santarem. Travel to Lisbon and flight back to Manchester. Travel back home,

Below are a few Group photos of the pilgrims.

Diocesan Vision:

What is the Lord Calling Us to Be and Do?

Bishop Stephen has shared a Diocesan Vision (see documents opposite) with priorities for further prayerful reflection along with the following message.  READ ME

Discover St Paul's

Our Parish

Fr. Marron acquired the current site from the developers in 1969 and oversaw the planning / design of the church with a total cost of £70,00 for the site, church and presbytery.

Parish Priest's Welcome

Dear Friends,

Welcome to St. Paul’s R.C. Church!

For over fifty years, this Parish Family has provided a welcoming and cordial environment for Eucharistic Celebrations

Continue Reading

Fr. Manoj Joseph Punchakunnel SAC
Parish Priest


Sunday Reflection

Diocesan News

Daily Scripture

For Daily Readings


Jubilee Year

The Jubilee Prayer

Father in heaven, may the faith you have given us in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother, and the flame of charity enkindled in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, reawaken in us the blessed hope for the coming of your Kingdom.

May your grace transform us into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel. May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos in the sure expectation of a new heaven and a new earth, when, with the powers of Evil vanquished, your glory will shine eternally.

 May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope, a yearning for the treasures of heaven.

May that same grace spread the joy and peace of our Redeemer throughout the earth.

To you our God, eternally blessed, be glory and praise for ever.


Jubilee Year 2025

Jubilee Year –  The Holy Father has declared 2025 to be a Jubilee Year with the motto and theme “Pilgrims of  Hope.” There will be two Holy Doors in our Diocese, one at St. Mary’s Cathedral and one at St. Joseph’s Church, Hartlepool. The Bishop is very grateful to Canon Paul Douthwaite for agreeing his welcome to pilgrims at St. Joseph’s. The Holy Father has decreed that the Holy Doors are opened on Sunday 29th December. It is the Bishop’s intention to celebrate both openings that day. The Holy Doors will be closed on 6th January 2026. More information can be found via www.iubilaeum2025.va/en/applicazione.html  and will appear on the Diocesan, CBCEW  and Vatican websites in due course.



To My Dear Brother the Most Reverend Rino Fisichella president of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization.

Jubilee message from the Pope

We hope you found our Website full of useful information.

If you have any comments please email them to webmaster@stpauls-rc.co.uk