Planned Giving

Planned Giving

There is a Planned Giving Scheme operating in our parish which enables parishioners to donate towards the upkeep of the parish using either a Standing Order or a Weekly Envelope. Please use the Form opposite or contact Sheila H to participate in the scheme or for further information.

A Standing Order is our preferred method for parishioners to donate to the Planned Giving Scheme. Further information is available on the Standing Order Page.

Gift Aid enables the parish to claim back any tax you have already paid on your contributions to the Planned Giving Scheme. Further information is available on the Gift Aid Page.

Should you wish to make an On-Line Donations please use the On-Line Donations Page.

Download Form

Please download the document, return it in person to our Parish Priest, or via post to St. Paul’s Parish House, 28 Dewley, Cramlington, NE23 6EF, or to the “Parish Office” email address