
Hospitals While the chaplains do their best to visit those in hospital and ensure they receive the Sacraments there have been several cases recently where patients have been missed as they simply did not know they were there. If you or a loved one are admitted you should be asked your religion and if you’d like to see a chaplain. Even if you are not asked please tell staff and be as clear as possible so that details can be entered onto the system. In an emergency please ask the ward staff to call the On-Call Catholic Chaplain and someone will be there ASAP. If you wish to inform the chaplains directly then please see details on the contacts page.

Peertalk A peer support group for those with mental health concerns, such as anxiety, depression, is now running in Newcastle at Brunswick Methodist Church, Newcastle, every Thursday evening, 7 – 8:30pm. This project is underpinned by the Methodist Church and offers a safe space to share without being judged. Be heard, respected and accepted, and receive peer support to help you work through mental health concerns.

Burials at St. John’s, Annitsford Because of decreasing space availability, it was agreed by Fr. Harriott and the Parish Council that only a current member of St. John’s Community (someone who attends Mass regularly and supports the parish) be buried or interred in the church grounds, unless there is space available into an existing family grave. Fr. Harriott and the FULL Parish Council ONLY have discretion to grant special permission for non-parishioners to be buried in the church grounds. Specification in a Will, should not automatically be taken by the Funeral Director as permission to a burial at St. John’s. We hope all will understand this decision the parish has had to take. Any questions regarding this should be forwarded to any member of St. John’s Parish Council