24th March 2024: Palm Sunday


First Reading – Isaiah 50:4-7;

Second Reading – Phil 2:6-11;

Gospel – Mark 14:1-15:47

Dear brothers and sisters,

As we gather today to commemorate Palm Sunday, we are called to reflect on the profound significance of this momentous occasion in the Christian calendar. Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, a time of profound reflection, introspection, and spiritual renewal.

On this day, we recall the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, where He was greeted with joyous shouts of “Hosanna!” and palm branches were laid at His feet. It was a moment of great celebration, as the people hailed Jesus as their King and Saviour. However, amidst the jubilation, there lies a deeper message for all of us to ponder.

The image of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a humble donkey serves as a powerful reminder of the virtue of humility. Despite being the Son of God, Jesus chose not to enter the city in grandeur and pomp, but rather in humility and simplicity. He did not seek earthly glory or acclaim; instead, He came to fulfil the will of His Father and to offer Himself as a sacrifice for the salvation of humanity.

In embracing humility, Jesus sets an example for each one of us to follow. In a world that often values power, prestige, and wealth, the virtue of humility can seem out of place. However, it is precisely through humility that we come to understand our true worth in the eyes of God.

Palm Sunday also serves as a stark reminder of the fickleness of human nature. The same crowds that hailed Jesus as their King would soon turn against Him, clamouring for His crucifixion. This serves as a cautionary tale, urging us to reflect on our own actions and attitudes. How often do we profess our faith and devotion to God, only to falter when faced with adversity or temptation? How often do we allow our pride and ego to cloud our judgment and lead us astray?

As we journey through Holy Week, let us take this opportunity to examine our hearts and minds. Let us strive to emulate the humility of Jesus in our own lives, putting aside our selfish desires and ambitions in service to others. Let us also remain steadfast in our faith, knowing that true greatness lies not in worldly acclaim, but in humble obedience to the will of God.

May this Palm Sunday serve as a reminder of the profound love that God has for each one of us, as demonstrated through the sacrificial death and glorious resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. May we walk in His footsteps, embracing humility, love, and compassion in all that we do.
