The Roman Catholic Church has seven holy sacraments that are seen as mystical channels of divine grace, instituted by Christ. Each is celebrated with a visible rite, which reflects the invisible, spiritual essence of the sacrament. Whereas some sacraments are received only once, others require active and ongoing participation to foster the “living faith” of the celebrant.
Your help is needed to sell draw tickets which are now available and to contribute prizes. The draw will take place on the 19th November and your usual help and contributions are gratefully received.
Nomination papers are available at the back of church to be filled in and placed in the Box. There is a need to elect 8 people to the PPC any anyone aged 18 or over and of good standing in the parish can be nominated. Successful nominees will serve for a term of 2 years […]
Today is the Feast of All Souls and Mass will be celebrated at St. Paul's at 7:00pm in the evening instead of the usual 10:00am. This will enable Mass to be celebrated at St. John's Annitsford at 10:00am followed by the Blessing of the Graves.