Coffee Morning
Coffee Morning
Coffee and tea will be served in the back room every Wednesday morning following Mass, which will be celebrated in church at the new time of 10:00am. Please do come and join us.
Coffee and tea will be served in the back room every Wednesday morning following Mass, which will be celebrated in church at the new time of 10:00am. Please do come and join us.
Coffee and tea will be served in the back room every Wednesday morning following Mass, which will be celebrated in church at the new time of 10:00am. Please do come and join us.
Mass in St. Bede's RC Church Bedlington will be at 7pm tonight to celebrate the Feast of St. Benet Biscop, our Partnership Patron. Everyone is most welcome to come along and join in the celebration.
In the Cafe area of church after Mass on weekends of 14th / 15th and 21st / 22nd January 2023.
Coffee and tea will be served in the back room every Wednesday morning following Mass, which will be celebrated in church at the new time of 10:00am. Please do come and join us.
10:00am Requiem Mass today will be celebrated for the repose of the soul of Doreen Mary Dunn
Coffee and tea will be served in the back room every Wednesday morning following Mass, which will be celebrated in church at the new time of 10:00am. Please do come and join us.
10:00am Mass today will be celebrated in church with some of the children from St. Peter & St. Paul's Academy School in attendance.